Book or Manuscript Instrument Collection Art Collection all
Belgium Germany The Netherlands USA England Scotland Austria United Kingdom Canada Sweden Czech Republic Italy Poland Poland Nuremburg France Portugal Berlin United States Ireland Switzerland United States of America OZ all
Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum, Chicago, USA
Argoli, Andrea. Primi mobilis tabulae, Padua, Italy
Bedini, Silvio. Early American scientific instruments and their makers, Rancho Cordova, United States
Bianchini, Francesco. Hesperi et Phosphori nova phenomena, sive Observationes circa planetam Veneris, Rome, Italy
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Bonnart, Nicolas. L'Astrologie
Boscovich, Ruggero. Memorie sulli cannocchiali diottrici, Milan, Italy
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British Library / Science & Society Picture Library, England
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Burlini, Biasio. Raccolta di macchine, ed istrumenti d'ottica che si fabbricano in Venezia da Biagio Burlini occhialajo sopra la Fondamenta del Rosmarino all'insegna dell'Archimede , Venice, Italy
Cellarius, Andreas. Harmonia Macrocosmica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Chauvin, Etienne. Lexicon philosophicum . . .
Chorez, D. untitled manuscript, Italy
Coll. Jaecks
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Coll. Spatz, Tucson, United States
College of Optical Sciences / University of Arizona, Tucson, United States
Condamine, Charles-Marie de La. Journal du voyage... a l'Equateur, servant d'introduction historique a la mesure des trois premiers degres du méridien..., Paris, France
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Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Epitome Cosmographia, Venice, Italy
Coronelli, Vincenzo. Biblioteca universale sacro-profana, antico-moderna: In cui si spiega con ordine Alfabetico ogni voce, ance straniera, Che puo avere significato nel nostro Idioma Italiano, Appartenente A'Qualunque materia, Venice, Italy
Crousaz, Jean-Pierre de. Reflexions sur l'utilite des mathematiques et sur la Maniere de les etudier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
d'Orleans, Pere Cherubin. La Dioptrique oculaire, Paris, France
d'Orleans, Pere Cherubin. La Vision Parfaite volume 1, Paris, France
d'Orleans, Pere Cherubin. La Vision Parfaite volume 2, Paris, France
de Brune, Johan. Emblemata of zinne-werck.
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de Fer, Nicolas. L'Atlas Curieux: Illustrations of the Paris Observatory, Paris, France
De Hautefeuille, M. Invention nouvelle pour se servir facilement des plus longues Lunetes d’aproche: et quelques autres moyens de les perfectionner, Paris, France
De Itaaliansche Waarzegger, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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de Lalande, J. Astronomie, Leiden, The Netherlands
de Montor, Alexis Francois Artaud. Italie, Paris, France
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Descartes, René. Specimina Philosophiae: seu Dissertatio de Methodo Rectè regendae rationis, & veritatis in scientiis investigandae: Dioptrice et Meteora.
Dumfries Museum & Camera Obscura, Dumfries, Scotland
Dundee Art Gallery and Museum, Dundee, Scotland
Eschinardi, Francesco. Centuriae opticae, Rome, Italy
Fahie, J. J. Memorials of Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642: Portraits and paintings, medals and medallions, busts and statues, monuments and mural inscriptions, London, England
Faulhaber, Johannes. Ingenieurs-Schul, Frankfurt, Germany
Fransone, Gaspare. Argumentum Academici Clypei, Genoa, Italy
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Fuller, Samuel, Practical Astronomy, in the Description and Use of Both Globes, Orrery and Telescopes, Dublin, Ireland
Galen, De morbis & symptomatis libri sex
Galilei, Galileo, Il saggiatore, Rome, Italy
Galilei, Galileo, Opere, Bologna, Italy
Galilei, Galileo, Treatise on the Sphere, Rome, Italy
Galilei, Galileo. Istoria e Dimostrazioni Intorno Alle Macchie Solari, Rome, Italy
Gottigniez, Logistica Universalis, Naples, Italy
Gregory, David, Elements of Catoptrics and Dioptrics, London, United Kingdom
Gregory, David, Physical & Geometric Elements of Astronomy, Geneva, Switzerland
Harsdorffer, Georg Philipp, Delitiae mathematicae et Physicae, Nuremburg, Germany
Hartsoeker, Nicolaas. Proeve der Deurzicht Kunde, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Helfenzrieder, Johann, Tubus astronomicus amplissimi campe
Herrmann and Hoffmann, Die Geschichte der Astronomie in Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Hevelius, Johannes. Cometographia, Danzig, Poland
Hevelius, Johannes. Epistola II... de motu Lunae, Danzig, Poland
Hevelius, Johannes. Firmamentum Sobiescianum, sive Uranographia, Danzig, Poland
Hevelius, Johannes. Machina coelestis pars prior, Danzig, Poland
Hevelius, Johannes. Selenographia, sive Lunae descriptio, Danzig, Poland
Horrebow, Christian, Elementa astronomiae sphaericae in usum praelectionum conscripta
Horrebow, Peter, Basis Astronomiae sive Astronomiae pars Mechanica, Havniae
Huygens, Christiaan, Astroscopia compendiarium, The Hague, The Netherlands
Kedleston Hall, Derby, United Kingdom
Kepler, Johanne, Tabulae Rudolphinae
King, Henry C., The History of the Telescope
Kircher, Ars magna lucis et umbrae
Kraus, Johann Ulrich, Historische Bilder Babel, Augsburg, Germany
Kunstgewerbemuseum / Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Le Monnier, P. C., Histoire celeste ou recueil de toutes les observations astronomiques faites par ordre du Roy, Paris, France
Lobkowitz, Caramuel. Mathesis biceps
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Longleat House, Wiltshire, England
Louwman Collection of Historic Telescopes, Wassenaar, The Netherlands
Lubieniecki, Stanislaw, Theatrum cometicum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Luyts, Astronomica institutio
Malapert, Charles, Austriaca sidera heliocyclia
Malvasia, Cornelio, Ephemerides, Modena, Italy
Manzini, Antonio, L'occhiale all'occhio dioptrica pratica, Bologna, Italy
Marius, Simon, Mundus Jovialis, Nuremburg, Germany
Martin, Benjamin, A New and Compendious System of Optics, London, United Kingdom
Martin, Benjamin, Gentleman and Lady's Philosophy, London, United Kingdom
Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Germany
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Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, United States
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Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery, Moose Jaw, Canada
Motley, J. L., History of the United Netherlands
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Municipal Library, Bath, United Kingdom
Musee Naval de Quebec, Quebec, Canada
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Museo di Storia della Fisica, Università di Padova, Padua, Italy
Museu da Ciencia Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Museum Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
Museum of Leathercraft, Northampton, England
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Museum of the University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland
Narodni Technicke Muzeum, Prague, Czech Republic
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National Library of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal
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National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Nelli, Vita E Commercio Letterario Di Galileo
Niceron, Jean Francois, Thaumaturgus opticus, Paris, France
Nollet, Jean Antoine, Lecons de physique experimentale, Paris, France
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Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France
Ozanam, Dictionaire mathematique
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Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy
Pepys, Samuel, London & Westminster, London, United Kingdom
Perrault, Claude, Memoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des animaux, Paris, France
Petit, Pierre, Von Bedeutung der Cometen
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Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Prestet, Nouveaux elemens des mathematiques
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Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Canada
Riccioli, Giovanni Battista, Almagestum novum, Bologna, Italy
Rieker, Rolf, Fernrohre und ihre Meister, Germany, Berlin
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Rijksacademie voor Beeldende Kunsten, The Netherlands
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Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
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Saint-Bonnet, Jean de, Cursus philosophici Tomus secundus, Lyon, France
Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Scheiner, Christoph, Disquisitiones mathematicae...
Scheiner, Christoph, Oculus hoc est fundamentum opticum, Innsbruck, Austria
Scheiner, Christoph, Rosa ursina sive sol, Bracciano, Italy
Scotney Castle, Kent, United Kingdom
Sherburne, Sir Edward, The sphere of Marcus Manilius made an English poem: with annotation and an astronomical index, London, United Kingdom
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Sirturi, Hieronymi, Telescopium; sive ars perficiendi novum
Skokloster Slott (Castle), Skokloster, Sweden
Smith, Robert, A compleat system of opticks
Snowshill Manor and Garden, Snowshill, England
Spengler, Joseph, Optick, catoptrick und dioptrick . . . , Augsberg, Germany
Stewart Museum, Montreal, Canada
Sturm, Johann Christophorus, Mathesis compendiaria, Altdorf, Switzerland
Technisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria
Technoseum: Landesmuseum fur Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
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TEST Collection, Berlin, OZ
Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust, Carlisle, England
Utrecht University Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands
van de Venne, Jan Pieters. Zeevsche Nachtegael ende Des selfs dryderley gesang, Middelburg, The Netherlands
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Verbiest, Ferdinand, Yixiang zhi (On Astronomical Instruments)
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Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, United States of America
Voigt, Johann Henrich, Alten und Neuen Styli sonderbarer Christencalender
Voltaire, Elemens de la philosophie de Neuton, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wellcome Images, London, United Kingdom
Wilkins, Discourse Concerning a New World & Another Planet
Wilkins, Le Monde dans la Lune
Willink, D., Amsterdamsche buitensingel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wisbech & Fenland Museum, Wisbech, England
Wolff, Christian, Freiherr von, Mathematisches Lexicon, Leipzig, Germany
Zahn, Johann, Oculus artificialis teledioptricum sive telescopium, Germany, Nuremburg