Ramsden, Jesse, 1776
Technoseum: Landesmuseum fur Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim Arrow right Arrow left
Basic Info

Maker: Ramsden, Jesse

Year: 1776

Year Range: -

Year Notes:

Manufacturing Location: London, England


Signature Notes:


No stand present.

Collection: Technoseum: Landesmuseum fur Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim

Accession #: EVZ:1983.0046-003


Project investigation: communication with museum curator.

Public Notes:

Purchased in 1776 by Bianchi agents in London for the price of 12 Louisdor. Achromatic lens. Tube and stand painted gold. Name of manufacturer engraved on tube. Adjustment for changing angle. Extendable eyepiece. Height with stand is 455 mm.

Length (open): 750

Length (closed): 750


Exit pupil:

Object status:

Optical Basics

Objective type: unconfirmed

Optical style

Physical style

Functional style

Materials: brass, glass

Optical/Lab Data

Drawtube data:

Drawtube notes:

Objective Data

